Make sure Zoom Apps are enabled in settings. Go to -> My Account -> Settings -> Zoom Apps

Click on the button to install the Zoom App

This will...

Redirect you to the Zoom Marketplace page where you will have to accept the Authorization request.

By accepting the authorization request, you’ll give permission for Pledge to access information about you and the meeting details

The permission page looks like this:

After the authorization step, you’ll be redirected to open the native Zoom application on your computer. You’re all set! You’ve successfully downloaded our Donations by Pledge app. Quit your Zoom desktop app & reopen so it refreshes. You should see ‘Apps’ in your Zoom menu bar. 

From the ‘Apps’ menu, select ‘Donations by Pledge’ to open the app.

The Donations by Pledge app will appear on the right side of your Zoom meeting.